See our latest on how the dynamics of Nodal and BMP signaling are interpreted in stem cell patterning here:
Morphogen and Community effect paper in Development
Our paper on morphogen and community effects in BMP-mediated differentiation is now published in Development. link
Community effect paper in biorxiv
Our paper on a community effect that uses cell communication to ensure robust differentiation is now up at the biorxiv. link.
Nature protocols paper
See our paper describing in detail our protocol to create micropatterned stem cell colonies that serve as a model for human gastrulation:
Modeling development with stem cells
Our commentary/review article on using stem cells to study early development is online in Developmental Dynamics link
Congratulations Idse!
We’re hiring – research technician
We currently have an opening for a laboratory technician. See a detailed description here.
Science Signaling paper
Check out collaborator Dave Noren’s paper in Science Signaling about how the dynamics of calcium signaling induce distinct outcomes in angiogenesis. Our images of calcium reporter Zebrafish made the cover!
Dunn foundation funding
We have received a collaborative grant to work on linking transcriptional regulation and patterning in stem cell colonies with Ido Golding
Rice press release is here